How to solve the problem of falling truncated-cone bottles?

Casa Girelli, an historic Italian wine company that produces wines of excellence and belongs to the Cavit Group...

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Krones labelling machine overhaul and upgrade

Maintenance and format change for customer Consorzio Casalasco del Pomodoro Krones labelling machine overhaul and upgrade for our...

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End-of-line of a new bottling plant for rilana

Preventive analysis, layout design, supply and installation in Bulgaria of 5 used and overhauled machinery One of our...

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Bottling line dismantling in just 48 hours

Our team of technicians dismantled a 16,000 bph water bottling line in just two days Dismantling a line...

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Optimise your bottling and packaging plant with periodic audits

In a highly competitive and ever-changing industry, your system may no longer be adequate to meet new market...

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Solving air conveyor problems with the unicom universal combiner

The universal module is a 4.0 machinery that allows reducing the transport from blow moulder to filling machine...

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Numbers and performance year 2020

2020 was a year of challenges and satisfactions, thanks to all those who were part of it The...

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Bbm service expands, 2600 square meters more for its lenna plant

BBM Service continues to bet on the Brembana Valley and expands its plant in Lenna in despite the...

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Planned machine maintenance: +22% production optimisation

A well planned maintenance activity avoids more serious problems which may cause a sudden stoppage of the plant or a...

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Used and reconditioned machinery to meet new market needs

The beverage market is constantly evolving, manufacturers must be ready to follow market needs quickly and efficiently so...

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Bbm against emergency covid-19

Our nation and the whole world are experiencing a terrible health emergency, we are very close to all...

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Why choose overhauled-guaranteed bottling machines?

Many times a bottling company changes its machinery only because it needs to increase production and has new...

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