Acqua Vera: an all-Italian soul. The historic brand Acqua Vera was founded 1979 in San Giorgio in Bosco, in the province of Padua by Lino Pasquale. It achieves success very soon and in 1991 and 1998 it wins the Packaging Oscar for two bottle models created by the company. In 1994, Acqua Vera became part of the Nestlé group, alongside other major names in the mineral water industry. In 2020, the now well-known brand returned independent through the acquisition from the Quagliuolo family, which brought together the three sources under the AQua Vera SpA group. Today, having landed in the Horeca channel, Aqua Vera produces 500 million bottles a year and is constantly working on new, dynamic, and sustainable bottle designs for different market segments.


BBM Service chosen as key partner for Agrigento plant

The historic plant in Santo Stefano Quisquina, in the Agrigento area, now covers an operational area of about 20,000 m2; BBM Service was chosen as a partner in the unit’s refurbishment work, aimed at bringing the plant even closer to the “smart factory” philosophy that has always characterized Aqua Vera.

The dismantling of 27 machines

In June 2022, Aqua Vera needed to free up the water packaging department for the installation of a new, modern, higher-performance line. With established experience in carrying out conservative dismantling including a record one in collaboration with Nestlé Waters, Acqua Vera wanted to confirm its choice on BBM, for a conservative dismantling of the entire blowing, labeling, packaging, and palletizing area. The 27 machines and their equipment were carefully photographed, numbered and catalogued. BBM built special wooden crates used to transport the machinery and, with the help of an efficiency partner – Tarotrans Srl  – moved sixteen machines to the Castrocielo, Lazio, plant. The remaining machines were either disposed of, or shipped to BBM to be overhauled and resold. The impressive operation involved five exceptional trailers, 15 standard trailers, and 10 wooden crates.

Once the agreement was found, in just 10 days, BBM carried out the cataloging and disassembly of the line in compliance with safety regulations, as planned. The disassembly was carried out following a strict team organization.

Conservative dismantling made in BBM: the philosophy of second-hand as a sustainable action

For more than 15 years, among the turnkey logistics engineering projects offered by BBM Service, one of the best-selling is conservative dismantling, which includes

  • Planning/management of activities and fulfillment of safety requirements
  • Organization of transportation lifting equipment
  • Possible preliminary engineering for line optimization
  • Possible reinstallation and restart of the line at another location


1. Inspection
2. Presentation of intervention
3. Presentation of the timing for intervention
4. Machinery dismantling
5. Creation of transport cases
6. Clearing out and start-up in new location


Aqua Vera

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