The bottling and packaging sector is embracing a slow but ambitious revolution towards a low environmental impact …and BBM wants to contribute actively to this transformation.

Expanding the concept of the 3Rs of the circular economy (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle), we introduce the fourth R, Remanufacturing: a practice aimed at recovering and reconditioning machinery to extend its lifespan and improve its functionalities. This business reduces waste produced, resource usage, and carbon footprint: an activity that has allowed BBM to earn the silver medal from Ecovadis for sustainability and enabled its customers to access high-quality products at affordable prices while ensuring a reduced environmental footprint. But BBM Service’s commitment to sustainability doesn’t stop there. We embrace sustainability in its most global sense: social and for the community.

With this renewed edition of the Sustainability Report, we share with our stakeholders the results achieved in 2023 regarding the main  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) themes. We want to offer a clear testimony of the desire to continue on this path and establish a dialogue to enhance the initiatives undertaken to improve the environment in which we operate.

The BBM Sustainability Report in a nutshell:


  • Sustainable Growth

In 2023, BBM installed a photovoltaic field that will reduce the electricity needs of the production site by 30%. Regarding environmental protection, some of the initiatives implemented include the adoption of BBM-branded mugs to replace disposable cups, the installation of water dispensers, and the commitment to reducing paper use through process digitization. LED lighting fixtures have been installed in all locations, and half of the industrial buildings use a high-efficiency underfloor heating system, which provides significant savings compared to a traditional system. Given the central theme of mobility, especially with the prominence of Service activities, particular attention is also paid to the vehicle fleet, with a preference for selecting latest-generation, low-emission vehicles.

  • Innovation and Research

BBM has continued its research to maximize the energy efficiency of bottling lines. It has introduced a new MES to optimize production flows; it has implemented its quality control in spare parts through the expansion of the metrology room with cutting-edge technologies, such as the new ZEISS optical machine. The technical office has designed and developed a range of safety devices to increase operator protection on the lines. Among these are BBM’s manual unwinders, which allow for the safe and automatic separation of the core from the reel residue, reducing the risk of cuts; the BBM Safe KIT, to visualize in real-time, at slow speed and in high definition, the mechanisms of machines in operation, to detect the origin of production defects – it is mounted inside the machine with the line off to ensure the total safety of the operator.

  • Social Responsibility

BBM has planned a 70% increase in training hours provided to employees. It has also organized training sessions for its employees on topics related to digitalization and useful for everyday life. It has begun the process of obtaining the Gender Equality Certification; it has confirmed its support for the local community through a network of donations to numerous youth sports associations throughout the territory.

Goals and Future Commitments

For the 2024-2025 biennium, BBM is committed to relocating its San Pellegrino office to a low environmental impact building, installing charging stations for electric vehicles, and increasing investments in innovative and sustainable materials and techniques.


Sustainability Report


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