Acqua Coralba originates from one of the seven Coralba springs, located in San Damiano Macra, in the province of Cuneo. Since 1973, high-quality water with great appeal has been extracted and bottled in this picturesque Alpine area. Special attention is paid to the design of the glass bottle, which is essential and refined. The new premium line stands out on the tables of haute cuisine, luxury hotels, and exclusive events.


At the end of 2020, Fonti Coralba Srl contacted us as they needed a new filling machine, able to adapt to four different glass bottle formats and with two nominal capacities (10,000 and 12,000 bph). After a careful analysis of market and production requirements, BBM proposed a used filling machine, completely overhauled and guaranteed by BBM technicians, model Blue Star 2000.

The Blue Star is a filling monobloc, consisting of a filler, rinser and capper; an electronic upgrade was performed on the machine – PLC modification from S5 to S7 – while the capper was made capable of working with two types of caps (aluminium and plastic), recovering parts from the pre-existing capper. As a matter of hygiene and safety, the machine was then equipped with an air insulation system, i.e. a pressure system to keep dust and other infiltrations out of the line. BBM took care of the dismantling of the previous machine, the transport of the new filling machine to the customer’s premises, installation and testing.

We would like to thank all the staff of Fonti Coralba Srl for their helpfulness and cooperation shown during the days on site.


acqua coralba


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