BBM Service’s commitment to sustainability in its most global sense: not only environmental, but also social and community-related

BBM Service considers the focus on sustainability to be one of the primary objectives for its present and future agenda.

BBM proudly declares its adherence to the set of principles promoted by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). This commitment underscores our dedication to advancing sustainability and ethical business practices. By aligning with the UNGC, we pledge to uphold the principles encompassed within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which serve as a blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all. These SDGs cover a broad spectrum of critical global challenges, including poverty eradication, environmental conservation, gender equality, and social justice. BBM embraces these principles wholeheartedly, integrating them into our corporate strategy and operations to contribute positively to the realization of these vital global objectives.

A commitment that translates into concern for the ecosystem, but also into a concrete responsibility to ensure the well-being of our employees in the workplace.

Sustainability Report 2023
BBM Service

We designed our business model with a circular perspective. Read our non-financial report:

Environmental Sustainability

For over 15 years, BBM Service has had the mission of giving a second life to decommissioned machinery no longer in use. Our used equipment business ensures environmental benefits due to the reduction in the disposal of heavy industrial material. Initiatives like adopting a branded blue #BBM cup or water dispensers to reduce plastic use are among the many small daily gestures contributing to a greener vision of our workplaces. Thanks to the increasingly important role of digitalization, our offices have now become paperless: a philosophy to reduce paper use.

BBM has installed a photovoltaic system at the San Pellegrino site that allows 90% of the energy produced to be consumed; additionally, BBM has recently completed the installation of an 80 kW photovoltaic field, which will produce almost all the electricity used by the production site. Our fleet features the selection of latest-generation, low-emission vehicles. On-site, we ensure proper waste separation, meticulously sorting materials according to the CER code. We have a suction and filtration system for fumes and dust. The rigor of our choices has earned us a silver medal recognition from the corporate sustainability rating platform EcoVadis.

Some of the main environmental sustainability goals for the 2024-2025 biennium:

• Relocate the San Pellegrino Terme office to a low environmental impact building (energy class A), with reduced primary energy consumption. To achieve this, the building will be equipped with a photovoltaic system to harness solar energy and heat pumps for heating and cooling, thus using energy from renewable sources. Additionally, the use of fossil fuel energy like natural gas will be limited or eliminated. The choice was to renovate an existing building instead of constructing a new one, thereby reducing land consumption and promoting the reuse of existing resources;

• Both BBM production sites will be equipped with electric charging stations to promote the adoption of electric vehicles and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;

• The adoption of a 100% paperless approach, thanks to the digitalization of processes promoted by the Manufacturing Execution System (MES), already implemented in 2023. The MES will definitively eliminate paper consumption;

• Pursuing increasingly better waste differentiation on sites, with the aim of achieving a better economic and potentially environmental impact. This goal is based on the awareness that the choices of materials used during the construction or renovation of a site significantly affect the company's economic balance and the surrounding environment;

• Continuing to evaluate innovative materials, equipment, and techniques in the production cycle to minimize the use of environmentally harmful substances and the consequent generation of waste.

We have always favored local companies among our suppliers to promote a zero-mile supply chain. We like to support the community through backing competitive and amateur sports organizations, as well as small local associations and larger entities. Our decade-long passion for sports has driven us to actively support the Telethon foundation to promote scientific research.

An Opportunity for Those Who Choose to Work with Us

BBM aims to be a place of well-being and fulfillment for its employees. We have always supported youth employment through active school-to-work transition programs in collaboration with schools. We want young people in our area to have the opportunity to experience a growth-rich journey, expanding their knowledge and contributing to the active development of our valley. BBM supports many employees engaged in university education, both undergraduate and graduate.

We are committed to actively combating gender stereotypes: BBM is working towards obtaining the Gender Equality Certification. This certification will demonstrate BBM's commitment to gender equality and equal opportunities between men and women in terms of hiring, promotion, pay, and working conditions.

A corporate Code of Ethics has been established to define the set of values and ethical principles that BBM Service recognizes, promotes, and shares. In addition to a code of ethics, BBM has developed a set of policies formalizing the related company guidelines. These include policies that will be implemented starting in 2024 and specifically regulate relationships with Suppliers, Anti-corruption, Gifts, Privacy, and cases of Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Mobbing.

BBM believes that employee training is essential to enhance their skills and achieve significant results together. The goal is to make employees feel valued as part of a personal, as well as professional, development journey, within the framework of the organization's growth. For this reason, in 2023, BBM invested heavily in training programs for its employees, delivering a total of 1469.8 hours of training, marking a 76% increase compared to the previous year. For more details on policies, please refer to the Sustainability Report, updated to 2023.

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